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Postcards from Kresland dog owners

Do you have a Kresland dog? Send us a note and/or some pictures of your dog, and we'll post them on this page!

June 1

Hi Susan,
We got Turbo from you about 2 months ago. I just want to thank you so much. He has been a great dog so far. He still has his puppy quirks, but he's very well behaved. We took him to puppy class and he was the star of class, even being the youngest there! We've gotten so many compliments on such a beautiful dog. I keep telling people about Kresland! I've attached a few pics for your viewing, and if you have time you can add them to the website! Thanks again.
Maria & Brian

May 31

Here are some pictures of Bogey and Mulligan. They get along great and have fun together. Mulligan is very playful with Bogey and visa versa.
All is working out great. I will keep you posted. Hope all is well on your side.

May 12

Dear Mrs. Patrick:
This is Colleen from Virginia. We own “Elle” or Kresland’s Legally Blonde. Elle is doing great! We love her so much!!!!!)
Attached is a photo of Alf, my aunt’s puppy, AKA “Lobster Face.” We thought you may want to put it on your website! Thank you.
Your friends,
Colleen and Elle

April 24

Hi Susan,
I got Independence (Indy) from you in December 2000 (born 10/24/00). She is the most wonderful dog in the world. She is so sweet! I have recommended you to so many people including my vet (which is how I came across your web site). I am also considering getting a little sister for Indy and would only consider a Kresland puppy! I will probably have to wait until the fall, but I’m happy to know that you still have the most beautiful labs around.
Indy is incredibly smart and very intuitive. My boyfriend has cancer and she can sense when he’s having a rough day. She will walk up to him, put her head in his lap and then climb on the couch and lay real close to him so he can rest his body on her. She is our “therapy” dog.
I have about a million photos of her, so I picked the best to send to you. I’d be honored to have her picture posted on your website.
Best regards,

April 22

Just a quick note to thank you for Sarah. She is everything a Lab should be. We Love Her So Much! A quick picture of her buddy "Tigger" and a panorama of her former home. It has been 26 years since we had a puppy and WOW did we forget what a bundle of energy they are. She knows her name and to sit on command already. We are 90% outdoor poddy trained also. She is so smart.
Bev & Brian

April 20

Hi Sue and Bill,
Just wanted to let you know that Murphy is doing great and adapting to life here just fine. I've attached a few photos of Murphy along with my daughters and one of our cats. Looking forward to talking to you soon and seeking your advice on Lab issues in the near future. Take care and talk to you soon.

April 9

Hi Susan,
Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that things are going well with "Jack"! He seems to be fitting in well with the family... everyone just loves him! We've been working on house-breaking him...today was the first day we didn't have an accident in the house...a milestone no doubt!
Anyways...things are going good! We'll keep in touch as I'm sure we'll have other questions come up!
Tom and Jen

Feb. 14

Sue –
We’re sitting watching the dog show and considering getting Cooper (our Yellow lab) a friend. Are you planning any litters for the April/May time frame?
Cooper was born on April 25, 2003. His mom is Cloud. His sister lives next door to us! They both have such great personalities and Cooper is so good with our 2 year old daughter Ainslie. I attached a couple of pictures of Cooper and Ainslie from earlier this year.

Feb. 14

Hi Sue:
Pippa is thriving and filling every day with something new. As you can see, she and Henley are best friends.
The dishwasher photo just made me laugh; forever a Lab! Hope things are improving for you and I'll keep in touch.
Take care,

Feb. 10

Dear Susan,
We purchased Libby from you August '03. Her father is Rocker. Well, she has been a bit challenging but overall she is an absolutely fabulous dog. She is beautiful and we love her. She has great instincts and has been fairly easy to train. Her only bad trait is that she jumps on people. Funny, but with all other living things she is such a gentle soul.

Jan. 26

Hi Sue,
It was so nice to have the chance to speak with you tonight. We got Pippa a smaller crate and some special toys to help with the adjustment. It will come with time, I'm sure.
Here are some photos to enjoy; she is so beautiful! She went out "skating" with the girls last Sunday and had a ball watching from the chair!

(c) 2006-2013 Kresland Kennels - all rights reserved. NYS License #180